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ну а это что есче за ошибкаОткрыл оперой магазин Интернет-магазин закрыт на техническое обслуживание, заходите позже! Проблема с MySQL. Как узнать причину ошибки. Warning: Unknown: Your script possibly relies on a session side-effect which existed until PHP 4.2.3. Please be advised that the session extension does not consider global variables as a source of data, unless register_globals is enabled. You can disable this functionality and this warning by setting session.bug_compat_42 or session.bug_compat_warn to off, respectively in Unknown on line 0 почистил куки, вошел на главную без проблем! в файле mysql_db_error.log 13/10/2009 19:10:52 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='197' AND quantity<='1' | /index.php 13/10/2009 19:10:52 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='199' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:53 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='197' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:53 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='198' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:54 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='198' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:54 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='197' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:54 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='200' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:55 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='198' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:55 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='201' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:56 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='200' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:56 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='197' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:56 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='199' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:57 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='201' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:57 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='200' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:58 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='198' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:58 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='199' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:58 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='199' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:59 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='197' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:59 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='201' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:00 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='200' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:00 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='200' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:08 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='198' AND quantity<='1' | / 13/10/2009 19:10:09 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='198' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:09 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='198' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:09 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='201' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:10 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='199' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:10 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='198' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:11 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='200' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:11 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='201' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:11 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='198' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:13 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='198' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:14 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='201' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:14 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='200' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:14 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='200' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:15 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='197' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:15 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='198' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:16 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='200' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:16 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='199' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:16 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='201' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:17 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='197' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:17 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='197' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:17 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='201' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:43 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='197' AND quantity<='1' | /featured.php 13/10/2009 19:10:44 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='199' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:44 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='198' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:45 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='201' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:45 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='200' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:45 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='200' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:46 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='197' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:46 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='200' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:47 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='198' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html 13/10/2009 19:10:47 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='201' AND quantity<='1' | /db_error.html что то никак не получается вызват ошибку 13/10/2009 19:10:59 | 1146 - Table 'foton761_topmarket.os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_' doesn't exist | SELECT max(quantity) as qty FROM os_personal_offers_by_customers_status_ WHERE products_id='197' id статуса пользователя почему то передается пустым. на версии 2.4.2 возникает :-\ верс. 2.4.3 сейчас пообновляю shopos.ru и demo.shopos.ru до актуальных версий. |